27 June 2011

Is The Grass Always Greener?

I received the following email:
This is the time to get out of property investment in South Africa, rather invest in Australia where there is a continious growth in property prices.

House Price Growh March 2010 - March 2011
Sydney: 0.8
Melbourne: -1.1
Brisbane: -3.6
Adelaide: 0.9
Perth: -3.2
Hobart: 0.6
Darwin: 0.5
Canberra: 1.1

Not exactly scintillating growth is it? The 3 quarterly growth (Dec 2010 - Mar 2010) is decidedly worse.


Troy Ounce said...

Anybody "investing" or buying property today must start reading newspapers and some blogs on the internet.

The price of an average property in a country will go down until it has reached an "equilibrium" of app the average income of that country divided by 3 - 3,5.

Read Steve Keen: http://www.debtdeflation.com/blogs/2011/04/01/this-time-had-better-be-different-house-prices-and-the-banks-part-1/

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean multiplied by 3 -3.5 ?

Anonymous said...

Tie me kangaroo down luv, tie me kangaroo down!